Art Book Access Television is an experiment in the overlap between printed art publication and digital circulation. Through hypnotic livestreams, the show acts an alternative distribution model for artists’ books, offering broader access to mainstream audiences.

ABAT situates the quiet appeal of many independently-published art publications within platforms already frequented for ASMR and other experiential facsimiles. It seeks to cultivate a community with a shared curiosity towards artists’ books by bringing separate, isolated viewers to individual works simultaneously. In place of physical contact, viewers are absorbed into these books by way of live connection and ambient music.



Art Book Access Television is a project by Katie Garth. Books featured here are from her personal collection.

Email Katie if you would like her to consider including your book in an episode of ABAT.

Download the ABAT Original Soundtrack

Luke Williams wrote and recorded ABAT’s musical theme and score, with help from Diego Gaeta, Brian Garth, and Salina Kuo.

Download the soundtrack for free and see more information on the ABAT Bandcamp.